We believe in inspiring social change through technology and continuously embark and maintain projects to facilitate such.
We believe in inspiring social change through technology and continuously embark and maintain projects to facilitate such.
How we give back to the community.
Enabling 400K+ Nova Scotians access to Legal Assistance for Wills and Estate Planning.
Delivered a web application to LISNS, Nova Scotia, Canada targetting 400K+ people and mentored a team of young developers in the process.
Interated Custom AI Speech Assistance in Career Development talks
The students were excited to engage with the AI, which had an interactive face and voice to respond to their questions. Students learnt game development as a part of the extended enagegment also.
Automated Membership Management and Engagement for an organization which continuosly works to assist Young Entrepreneurs in Jamaica
Developed and integrated a custom membership portal that facilitated content member registration, showcase, updates and communication. Provided tools to assist with tracking and monitoring membersip growth.
Non-Profits need on demand insights to make and share decisions too.
Learn more from our LABS